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Boldhaven Management is an independent investment manager based in London

about us

Boldhaven Management was founded in 2017 and is an independent investment management business based in London.

The firm operates a concentrated strategy focused on long and short opportunities in Europe.

The firm’s investment approach, led by Founder and CIO Ronald Sofer, is centred on detailed fundamental research and a long-term investment horizon.

Boldhaven seeks to invest in companies whose fundamentals are misunderstood, leading to a significant mismatch between intrinsic value and the prevailing market price.


We believe equity market participants often ignore long term fundamentals in favour of short-term profit forecasts. We take a longer term orientation, focusing on understanding the quality and sustainability of a company’s cash flow generation as a guide to its earnings power and intrinsic value.

We seek to invest in companies where we have a differentiated view around the trajectory or quality of a company’s cash based earnings. All investments are supported by deep proprietary research.

We invest across the market capitalisation spectrum but we believe the most compelling opportunities are often found in the small and mid-cap universe where companies are generally less well understood and frequently overlooked.

Our experience in equity and credit allows us to isolate the securities within a company’s capital structure which we believe provide the most attractive expression for our investment thesis.




+44 20 8017 4521





100 Wigmore Street, London W1U 3RN

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